Posts tagged Retirement expenses
#478 - Widowed in Retirement: Navigating Financial Changes

If you are married, chances are you or your spouse will have to suffer through widowhood. The Widowed in Retirement series aims to help you navigate this difficult transition as best you can. Today, Mark Trautman joins me again to discuss how to work through the huge financial changes that result from losing a spouse. 

There are myriad financial considerations to be aware of during this change, so this may be an episode that you want to bookmark to refer back to later or send to a friend in need. Press play to listen.

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#451 - How Should I Pay for Big Ticket Expenses Near Retirement?

Are you nearing retirement and wondering how you should pay for large out-of-pocket expenses? Should you dip into your emergency fund, take from your retirement savings, or is there another way?

We’ll consider this question, hear how Larry is living intentionally, learn how visual aids can help when trying to discuss finances with elderly parents, and discuss dollar cost averaging a lump sum payment on this episode of Retirement Answer Man.

All month we’ll be answering your questions. If you have a question that you would like to submit head on over to and type in a question or use the record a question function to shorten the wait. We love audio questions so we bump those to the front of the line!

Tune in to hear these listener questions plus a summary of what was on my summer reading list. Make sure that you are signed up for the 6-Shot Saturday newsletter to learn all the details about the books I read this summer.

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#88 - The 6 Biggest Expenses During Retirement

In this episode of the Retirement Answer Man, I want to walk through those expenses for a couple of reasons: 1) You need to have a clear picture of where you’re headed so you can be prepared when you get there. 2) Because in keeping with the theme of my show this month, WHEN you can retire could depend on whether you actually make those preparations or not and on the decisions you make about the expenses you’re going to have to support during retirement.

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